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Winter Testing Report – December 2024, Geminos Dojo, Bradford, ON.

Date: December 06-07, 2024

This December, Geminos Dojo conducted its Winter Kyu Testing for students of various ranks, showcasing their skills, discipline, and dedication to Kyokushin Karate. The testing was led by Senpai Oleg Vainshtein with the assistance of Senpai's Dany, Roxana, Amelie and Arno. The Winter Kyu Testing at Geminos Dojo was successfully marked another milestone in the dojo's journey of growth and achievement. The testing session saw participation from 15 students, representing Kyu levels ranging from 10th Kyu (beginner) to 1st Kyu (advanced).


Testing Overview

The testing sessions included:

  • Kihon (Basics): Students demonstrated their foundational techniques, including stances, strikes, and blocks, with precision and control.

  • Ido Geiko (Moving Basics): Focus was placed on fluid transitions and proper execution while moving.

  • Kata: Each student performed their required kata, emphasizing timing, focus, and power.

  • Kumite (Sparring): Students displayed their fighting spirit and ability to apply techniques in dynamic scenarios.

  • Theory and Etiquette: Participants were evaluated on their knowledge of Kyokushin principles and dojo etiquette.



I am delighted to report that all participants passed their respective examinations, meeting or exceeding the expectations for their rank advancements. Each student demonstrated significant progress in their technical and mental development, reflecting their dedication to training.


  • Participation: A total of 15 students showcased their dedication and skill development, making this a memorable event.

  • Testing Dates: The event spanned two days, thoroughly evaluating all participants on December 6-7, 2024.

  • Kyu Levels Tested: Students tested across all ranks between 10th Kyu (Red belt) and 1st Kyu (brown belt with black stripe), showcasing the breadth of talent and experience within the dojo.



I would like to thank all students for their hard work and commitment, their families for their support, and our instructors for their guidance and mentorship. A special thank-you goes to Senpai Dany Krief and Senpai Roxana Trifan for their leadership during the testing.


Next Steps

With this successful testing, we look forward to continuing our journey together in the new year, building on the progress made during this evaluation.

  • The next Kyu Testing is scheduled to take place on May 30-31, 2025.

  • Students are encouraged to continue their diligent training and preparation to excel in the next evaluation.

Congratulations to all who participated and achieved new milestones in their martial arts journey. Your progress inspires the dojo community to strive for excellence. Keep up the great work, and let’s aim for even higher achievements in the future!



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